Abisag Primary School

Abisag Primary School is located in the northern-central highlands where the climate is particularly drought-prone. Abisag Primary school offers Grades 1 to 8 for around 400 students.

This school had four classrooms in terrible condition, they had seriously deteriorated due to termites, harsh weather conditions and no maintenance in at least 10 years. They were so unbearably hot in the afternoons that classes could not be held, which caused all the classes help in the mornings to be over-crowded. The community desperately wanted to improve the situation and started to build two new classrooms, but despite their best efforts, after several years they remained unfinished and abandoned.

This project has involved repairing the four deteriorating classrooms plus completing the two unfinished classrooms. We have also built new toilets and repaired gutters on the classrooms to run rain water into two existing water tanks to provide students and staff access to water. This project has made a significant improvement in the learning environment of this school!